Hitchcock Woods is CLOSED indefinitely due to severe storm damage

Visitor Guidelines

For-Profit Activities

The obvious for-profit users of Hitchcock Woods (for example, Livery Stables, Carriage Tours) will be solicited for a donation each year.

  • For-profit users will be asked to support the Woods by participating in Axe Club.
  • Professionals who use the Woods for their businesses will be provided educational presentation packets from the Hitchcock Woods Foundation to provide to their new customers, including:
  • Map of the Woods
  • Guidelines brochure
  • Form to be completed and returned to the Hitchcock Woods Foundation office with the client’s/customer’s name, address, email, etc.

See guidelines for related topics / issues:
Carriages, Equestrians, Etiquette / Behavior, Pedestrians, Prohibited Uses, Scientific Use Policy, Trails, Volunteers

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