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Books That Celebrate and Support Hitchcock Woods

Books can be purchased at the Hitchcock Woods Foundation office or online

$125 – Please note, this book cannot be purchased online

Every time you shop Amazon, Amazon Smile donates 5% of your eligible purchases to Hitchcock Woods Foundation.

American Hero

The True Story of Tommy Hitchcock – Sports Star, War Hero, and Champion of the War- Winning P-51 Mustang, by Nelson W. Aldrich Jr.

Royalties from this republished book benefit the Hitchcock Woods Foundation. ($29.95)

Aiken’s Sporting Life

by Jane Page Thompson

Jane Page Thompson uncovers the history of Aiken through the social and sporting life, and how the family traditions through generations of horse people are still cele-brated today, and looking ahead to the next one hundred years. ($21.99) All proceeds from this book benefit the HWF. 

Recollections – Aiken Letters and Essays

by Elizabeth Teague

Features May Elizabeth Teague’s recollections of the unique Aiken area for nearly a century. Some of the topics include reconstruction, health resort, Winter Colony, na-tives, horses, SRS, and Hitch-cock Woods. ($16.95) Pic-tured on the cover is the for-mer Tea Cottage structure before it burned down. 

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